
Casetext is a modern search technology tool that offers faster and more accurate legal research at an affordable price. It is a true legal replacement for Lexis and Westlaw, providing full coverage of all 50-state and federal cases, statutes, regulations, and rules. With Casetext, lawyers can save time, improve efficiency, and deliver superior work to their clients.

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Last updated on
April 30, 2024

Features of Casetext

Critical task automation: Casetext's CoCounsel AI tool automates critical tasks such as document review, legal research memos, deposition preparation, and contract analysis. This saves lawyers valuable time and enhances their efficiency.

Quick answers: With Casetext, lawyers can input an issue and receive a complete answer with supporting sources in seconds. This feature allows for faster and more accurate legal research, ensuring that no precedent is missed.

Contract analysis: Casetext's CoCounsel can identify critical documents in contract databases and extract key information. It can also recommend revisions, helping lawyers streamline the contract analysis process and ensure compliance.

Benefits of Casetext

Enhanced efficiency: By automating critical tasks and providing quick answers, Casetext's CoCounsel significantly enhances lawyers' efficiency. Lawyers can accomplish in minutes what would have previously taken hours, allowing them to focus on more important aspects of their practice.

More accurate legal research: Casetext's modern search technology ensures that lawyers find cases that may have been missed by traditional legal research tools like Lexis and Westlaw. This leads to more accurate legal research and reduces the risk of missing important precedent.

Affordable pricing: Casetext offers an affordable alternative to traditional legal research tools like Lexis and Westlaw. This allows law firms, in-house legal departments, and solo practitioners to access high-quality AI technology without breaking the bank.

Who Casetext is useful for

Law firms: Casetext's CoCounsel is particularly useful for law firms seeking to improve efficiency and effectiveness in their practice. By automating critical tasks and providing quick answers, Casetext allows law firms to provide higher-quality representation to their clients.

In-house legal departments: In-house legal departments can benefit from Casetext's CoCounsel by streamlining their legal research and contract analysis processes. This allows them to handle legal matters more efficiently and effectively.

Solo and small practices: Solo practitioners and small law practices can leverage Casetext's AI technology to gain a competitive edge. By automating tasks and accessing quick answers, they can provide high-quality legal services without the need for a large support staff.

In conclusion, Casetext's CoCounsel is a reliable and innovative AI solution that empowers lawyers to provide higher-quality, more efficient, and more affordable representation. With features such as critical task automation, quick answers, and contract analysis, Casetext enhances lawyers' efficiency, improves legal research accuracy, and offers affordable pricing. It is useful for law firms, in-house legal departments, and solo practitioners looking to leverage AI technology for a competitive edge.