
Juice is a revolutionary AI tool that maximizes GPU utilization by enabling dynamic sharing and pooling of GPU resources across networks. It allows organizations to access and use their GPUs over the standard network, without the need for new hardware. With Juice, organizations can significantly increase their GPU utilization rate, saving on computing resources and investment.

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Last updated on
April 30, 2024

Features of Juice

Dynamic GPU Sharing: Juice enables dynamic sharing and pooling of GPU resources across networks, maximizing GPU utilization.

Dark GPU Technology: Juice's "Dark GPU" service equates unused GPU capacity to dark fiber, unlocking untapped resources within infrastructure deployments.

Remote GPU Access: Juice's software allows direct remote access to any GPU capacity on any network, bringing unutilized GPUs online.

Benefits of Juice

Increased GPU Utilization: Juice allows organizations to increase the utilization rate of their GPUs from the average of 15% or less, saving on computing resources and investment.

Cost Savings: By leveraging underused GPUs in workstations, cloud provisions, or servers, Juice helps organizations make more efficient use of their existing resources, reducing the need for additional hardware.

Greater Agility and Utilization Capacity: In hybrid work environments, Juice enables organizations to access and utilize on-site workstations remotely, providing flexibility and maximizing resource utilization.

Who Juice is useful for

Enterprises: Juice is targeted at enterprises that rely on GPU-intensive workloads, offering a solution to enhance compute efficiency and optimize GPU utilization.

Organizations with Underutilized GPUs: Juice is particularly beneficial for organizations that have GPUs that are not fully utilized, such as workstations, cloud provisions, or servers.

Hybrid Work Environments: Juice is useful for organizations with hybrid work environments, where on-site workstations may go unused for periods of time, allowing them to access and utilize these resources remotely.

In conclusion, Juice is a revolutionary AI tool that maximizes GPU utilization through dynamic sharing and pooling of GPU resources. It offers increased GPU utilization, cost savings, and greater agility for enterprises and organizations with underutilized GPUs. With Juice, organizations can unlock the full potential of their GPUs and optimize their computing resources.